Access to Information

Through the Access to Information Scheme, we're required to proactively publish some types of information that will always be available to residents. This is known as a publication scheme, which you can find below.

Panel members welcomed the idea of a publication scheme. They felt it would increase transparency and give easy access to information of interest to residents. Some said it would allow residents to more easily hold their housing provider to account. Below is a list of what panel members said should be included in the scheme and how you can find this information on the Prima Group website.

What Housing Providers Are Spending Money On

In 2022/23 we had an income of £15.7m from rents and service charges. We spent £12.2m on delivering key services; this covers things like managing tenancies, repairing homes, carrying out safety and maintenance checks, as well as repaying debts. Surplus for the year was £3.5m.

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Business Plans

Our Corporate Plan provides you with a brief introduction to the organisation and sets out our long-term objectives and goals, including our visions, values and priorities.

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Policies & Procedures

Policies and procedures are designed to regulate all major decisions, actions, and principles of the organisation.

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Inspection Outcomes & Ratings

Every year, a thorough self-assessment of how we meet the Regulatory Standards for Social Housing is carried out, and the findings are reported to the Board for assurance purposes. Our self-assessment found that we comply with the expectations of the Regulatory Standards, both economic and consumer standards.

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What the Service Charge is Being Spent On

If you live in one of our homes where you receive a service to any part of your building, for example, hallway cleaning, or communal garden maintenance, you will need to pay service charges. These are small charges that are charged on top of your rent that cover the costs of providing any services you receive.

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Staff Names & Titles

We do not list the names of all our staff members on our website, but you can find the details of our Executive Management Team using the link below.

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Staff Turnover Rates

Our staff turnover rate is ___ for 22/23.

Complaints: Number, Outcome, Timeframe & Satisfaction.

We aim to provide a high-quality and value-for-money service for our customers and always try to improve our services, but occasionally, you might feel like making a complaint. You can find the latest details on how we’ve handled complaints in our 22/23 Annual Report and details on how to make a complaint linked below.

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Prioritisation of Complaints

Where complaints need to be formally investigated, we follow a two-stage process. You can find out how we prioritise complaints using the link below.

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Decision-Making Processes on Tenant Allocation to Homes

If you are already a Prima Group tenant and you are looking to move home, then you have several options available. The decision-making process on this is listed in the Moving Home section of our website.

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