
We aim to provide a high-quality and value-for-money service for our customers and always try to improve our services.

We welcome your views and feedback on our services. Your enquiries, feedback and complaints help us improve how we work. We ask customers how satisfied they are with services regularly, for example, after a repair has been completed or as part of our Customer Satisfaction Index survey.

We aim to respond to complaints promptly when you first contact us. When we can resolve things quickly we record these as informal complaints.

Where complaints need to be formally investigated, we follow a two-stage process.

For Stage 1 complaints, we will:

  • Let you know that we have received your complaint.

  • Tell you who is investigating your complaint, and they will contact you to discuss the key points.

  • Aim to respond to your complaint within ten working days. In some cases, we may need more time to investigate thoroughly, we will let you know if this is the case and keep you updated throughout

  • If you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint you can ask us to review it, and we will escalate it to Stage 2.

For complaints that move to Stage 2, we will:

  • Let you know we have received your request to review your complaint.

  • Tell you who is reviewing the complaint and offer you the opportunity to meet those reviewing your complaint to discuss the areas of dissatisfaction. The Complaint Review Panel will look at your Stage 2 complaint, which comprises a senior manager and a Customer Board Member or Board Member - they won’t have been involved in the complaint so far and bring a fresh perspective.

  • Arrange for the Complaint Review Panel to meet to review the complaint.

  • Aim to respond to Stage 2 complaints within 20 working days. Where more time may be needed to investigate further, we will let you know this is the case and keep you updated throughout.

  • Provide details of the Housing Ombudsman in the response.

  • Ask for your feedback on how satisfied you were with how your complaint was handled.

Please fill in the form below to make a formal complaint.

You can read our complaints policy below, along with our annual complaints report which gives details of the number and type of complaints received and includes how we’ve made changes to improve following customer feedback.

The Housing Ombudsman Complaints Code sets out how we should handle complaints in an effective and fair way. You can read our self-assessment of how we meet the standards it sets out below. Although the Housing Ombudsman will normally expect our complaints process to be followed before looking into a case, customers can contact them at anytime using the contact details in this link - Housing Ombudsman